Case Study for Google AdWords

Google Inc. is an American multinational public corporation offering Internet search, Cloud computing, and advertising services. The company processes over a billion searches a day and operates more than one million servers in data centers round the world. Google has grown organically and by acquisition of varied companies, but still earns over 95% of its revenues from advertising. The products for advertising for Google are Google AdWords and Google AdSense. We will see about the Google AdWords in detail in this article but let’s have a difference in AdWords and AdSense first.

The main difference in Google AdWords and Google AdSense is that Google AdWords is used by advertisers and AdSense is used by publishers. Advertisers pay Google a certain amount per ad click. AdSense lets publishers monetize their websites or blogs by earning money from relevant AdWords ads displayed next to their content.

Product Line

AdWords allow advertisers to publish advertisements on Google search pages and on the websites of Google affiliates (AdSense publishers). Advertisers pay per advert clicked (pay per click marketing), the amount paid (bid price) being determined by the demand for the particular keyword, and the value to advertisers of that keyword — ‘investment services’ being more valuable than ‘gardening tips’.

Value Proposition

Value Proposition is an attractive to advertisers for two reasons: Google’s search engine is popular and efficient, because advertisers can tailor their campaigns to specific searches and demographics.

1- Site Relevancy – To searcher’s keyword phrase

2- The number and quality of incoming links.

Let’s discuss some of hypothetical Case Studies which can give more insights about Google AdWords

Case Study-1

Company XYZ is a small business that sells handmade jewellery. They have a website but are struggling to attract visitors and generate sales. They decide to use Google AdWords to reach a wider audience and increase their online presence.

Step 1: Setting up the campaign Company XYZ creates a Google AdWords account and sets up an advertisement specifically targeting people interested in handmade jewellery. They choose relevant keywords such as “handmade jewellery,” “unique jewellery,” and “artisan jewellery.” They also set a budget of $500 per month for the advertisements.

Step 2: Creating ads Company XYZ creates several ad variations with different headlines and descriptions. They include high-quality images of their jewellery and highlight their unique selling points such as “one-of-a-kind designs” and “handcrafted with love.” They also include a strong call-to-action, such as “Shop Now” or “Browse Our Collection.”

Step 3: Launching the advertisements Company XYZ launches their Google AdWords advertisements and monitors it closely. They adjust their bids and ad copy to optimize their results.

Step 4: Analyzing results After a month, Company XYZ analyses their advertisements results. They find that their ads have generated 10,000 impressions and 500 clicks, resulting in 50 sales. They also notice that their most successful ad has a higher click-through rate and conversion rate than their other ads.

Step 5: Making improvements Based on their analysis, Company XYZ makes improvements to their advertisements. They increase their bids on their top-performing keywords and pause their underperforming ads. They also create new ad variations based on their successful ad and test them against each other.

Step 6: Continued success Over the next few months, Company XYZ sees continued success with their Google AdWords advertisements. They generate more traffic and sales on their website and can expand their product offerings. They continue to monitor and make improvements to their advertisements to maintain their success.

Case Study -2

Challenge: A small business owner named Joe wanted to grow his business by reaching new customers online. However, he didn’t have a large advertising budget and didn’t know where to start.

Solution: Joe decided to use Google AdWords to promote his business online. He created an AdWords account and started running ads on Google’s search network. He used keywords related to his business, such as “handmade soap” and “natural skincare,” to target people who were searching for those products.

Results: Using AdWords, Joe was able to reach new customers and grow his business. He saw a significant increase in website traffic and sales and was able to track his results using AdWords’ analytics tools. He also used AdWords’ conversion tracking feature to see which ads were driving the most sales and adjusted his advertisements accordingly.

Joe was impressed with the results he achieved with AdWords and continued to use the platform to grow his business. Over time, he expanded his advertisements to include display advertising, YouTube advertising, and remarketing advertisements.

Conclusion: Google AdWords is a powerful advertising platform that can help businesses of all sizes reach new customers and grow their business. By targeting the right keywords and using AdWords’ analytics tools to track results, businesses can optimize their advertisements and achieve great results. This case study demonstrates how a small business owner used AdWords to successfully grow his business and reach new customers online.


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