Idea to Launch Process

The idea to launch process is a series of steps that a company follows to bring a new product to market. It involves generating product ideas, evaluating their feasibility, developing the product, planning the launch, and monitoring the product’s performance after it is launched. The goal of this process is to ensure that the product meets customer needs, is financially viable, and is successfully introduced to the market.

Let’s see some sources from where we can get the ideas!

Common Sources of Ideas

  1. Personal experience: Your own experiences and observations can inspire ideas for new products, services, or solutions.
  2. Industry trends: Keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in your industry can spark new ideas and opportunities.
  3. Customer feedback: Listening to feedback from your customers can help identify areas for improvement or new ideas for products or services.
  4. Competitors: Analyzing your competitors’ strategies and offerings can help you identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and find new ideas.
  5. Brainstorming: Collaborating with others and generating ideas in a group setting can be a great way to generate new ideas and perspectives.
  6. Research: Conducting research on topics relevant to your business or industry can provide new insights and spark new ideas.
  7. Social media: Monitoring social media can provide insights into customer needs and preferences, as well as inspire new ideas.

Remember that ideas can come from anywhere, so stay open-minded and curious, and be willing to explore new possibilities.

Path to building an idea Link

Stage-Gate for new Project

The Stage-Gate process is a popular framework for managing new product development projects. It involves a series of stages or phases, each with its own gate or checkpoint, here are the typical stages and gates in the Stage-Gate process:

Remember, the Stage-Gate process is a flexible framework that can be adapted to fit the specific needs of your project or organization.

Project Management Methodology


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